2020 Vision 

The new year has me thinking about how I want to see and shape 2020 and the new decade for my creative life. Part of this 2020 vision is tweaking this blog and making it an integral part of my creative journey.

Vision for 2020

One of my T-Shirt Designs from my Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TJWDrawsDesigns

The Blog So Far 

When I started this blog, my idea was to attempt to inspire others and myself by sharing tips on boosting creativity through activities, videos, stories about how other artists have addresses blocks. My momentum was good at first but, in late October, I accepted a temporary job as a delivery driver for the holiday season. The job was okay and paid well, but it also took up almost all of my energy. A casualty of my depleted energy was my creativity and my work on this blog. The temporary job has ended, and I am ready to get back on track with my creative journey. Part of my creative journey will be evaluation and revaluation of available materials about creativity and breaking creative blocks. As I explore these resources, I will share my experiences, thoughts, and feelings about the tools as a sort of review of the works and their usefulness for my creative pursuits.

The Blog from This Point On 

There are many books, videos, applications, podcasts, etc., designed to help creatives break through their creative blocks and get back to the business of making their art. I’ve read a few, and I want to learn more. I have found that these tools can be excellent or good or so-so, and even an ordinary, uninspirational, book or podcast can hold a small nugget of creativity boosting gold. Having an open mind and a willingness to consider those nuggets will help me get the most out of these resources and pass them along to you for your consideration.


My goal will be to select tools and resources that are readily available for anyone to pick up at Amazon or Blick or available for free on the internet. If you use or have used the same tools, I would love to hear your thoughts about the resources in the comments section of the blog or (new) vlog. I welcome suggestions for resources you might like for me to try.

Becoming an Art Thief. I will start this journey with Austin Kleon’s New York Times Best Seller: Steal Like an Artist. I have read it before and recall finding it inspirational (so much so that I even bought the companion shirt). Kleon’s book is brief and easy to read. I will divide the book into four sections and my thoughts on the ideas presented, starting with chapters 1 – 3.



Part One: Sections 1 – 3 & 4 – 5


Part Two: Sections 6 – 7 & 8 -10

You can get a copy of the book here:

(Note: I make a small commission on the sale)



After a brief interruption in my creative work, I am now back with a fresh outlook and a plan of attack for my addressing my blocks and opening up to new ideas and methods of creating and finding creative inspiration. Starting with Austin Kleon’s New York Times Best Seller: Steal Like an Artist, I will follow the advice presented in the book and see how it works for me and share those results with you! I think it will be fun and hopefully educational for all of us!

Please enjoy this brief video. This is a new feature that will accompany many of my blog posts from this point on!

Thank you for visiting and I hope to see you again soon! -Tim